Cultivate leadership.

Just as no young athletic standout can rely on a single motivational speech or a one-off expert training session to launch his or her career, The Germination Project recognizes that the investment in the next generation of leaders must be comprehensive and long-term.

By identifying, nurturing, encouraging and connecting our brightest young people –from their high school years through their careers- and committing their talents to Philadelphia’s greater good, The Germination Project seeks to establish a self-sustaining ecosystem of leadership to transform this city. Through institutional partnerships with universities, healthcare organizations and technology firms, the Germination Project empowers student fellows both with the skills to build careers in a changing economic landscape, and with a sense of civic duty to deploy those skills for the benefit of Philadelphia’s underserved communities.


Philadelphia once built America. Philadelphia can once again become The Workshop of the World.

The Germination Project Draft Day Gala 2015